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Unlock the Mystery: Why Halloween Treats Are Irresistible!

Why Halloween Treats are a must-have! Dive into the history and science behind our sweet cravings this spooky season.

Introduction: The Allure of All Hallows' Eve

Halloween — the only holiday where it's socially acceptable to go to your neighbour's house demanding food. But have you ever paused amidst the festivities to ponder why we're so irresistibly drawn to sweet treats on this particular night?

Could it be just for the candy? Or is there a deeper, more historical reason behind our cravings?

Why Hallloween treats trick or treat

The Historical Origins of Halloween Treats

The tradition of Halloween treats finds its roots in ancient Celtic festivals. During Samhain, the boundary separating the living from the dead was believed to become porous.

People would leave out food and drinks as offerings to appease wandering spirits. This gesture of goodwill towards the hearts gradually evolved into the modern practice of trick-or-treating.

But have you ever thought about where those delicious sweet treats come from? Besides that plastic pumpkin on the house's porch with the lights off that says one piece per kid.

The Bizarre Backstory of Halloween Candy

Today, we delve into the intriguing origins of some of your favourite Halloween candies. First up, the polarising candy corn. Originally known as chicken feed, it was created in the 1880s by the Wunderle candy company.

By 1889, Goelitz Confectionary, now known as Jelly Belly, also began producing it. Today, Brach's Confections manufactures most candy corn because no one thought enough of it to bother trademarking it.

People in the 19th century loved agriculture-themed candy, leading to the creation of candy chestnuts, candy clovers, and candy turnips.

Candy corn, designed to look like pieces of corn on the cob, didn't become a Halloween staple until around 1950. Today, about 35 million tons of candy corn are produced annually.

Why Hallloween treats box filled with candy

The Mysteries of Tootsie Pops and More

How many licks does it take to get to the centre of a Tootsie Pop? This question has baffled many, leading to various scientific experiments. Purdue researchers built a licking machine and concluded it takes 364 licks.

Meanwhile, NYU mathematicians estimated 1,000 licks based on sugar solubility calculations. However, Florida scientists doubled that number to 2,000 licks.

Like Stonehenge and the pyramids, the exact number of licks remains one of the world's unsolved mysteries.

Why Hallloween treats table with sweet treats

The Legacy of Tootsie Roll and Other Candies

Tootsie Roll Industries, one of the world's largest candy makers, produces 64 million morsels daily. Its legacy began with the Tootsie Roll, patented 1907 by Austrian-American candy man Leo Hirschfield.

Other candies like Snickers, Hershey's Kisses, Sour Patch Kids, M&Ms, Skittles, and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups have unique histories, innovations, and mysteries.

Conclusion: Embracing the Tradition

While it's crucial to be mindful of our sugar intake and consume sweets in moderation, embracing the joy and tradition that Halloween treats bring is equally important.

Why Hallloween treats pumpkin soup

After all, Halloween is not just about the scares; it's a celebration of community, memories, and a bit of well-deserved indulgence. It is not only about sweets but also about amazing dishes like the heart-warming pumpkin soup.

So, what's your favourite? What recipes do you have in store? Here's a classic Halloween recipe for you to try:

Why Hallloween treats candied apple

Classic Candied Apples Recipe

One of the most iconic Halloween treats is the candied apple. Here's a simple recipe to make your own:


  • 8 medium-sized apples

  • 8 wooden sticks

  • 2 cups granulated sugar

  • 1 cup water

  • 60g light corn syrup

  • Red food colouring (optional)


  1. Wash and dry the apples thoroughly. Insert a wooden stick into the stem end of each apple.

  2. In a saucepan, combine sugar, water, and corn syrup. Cook over medium heat until the sugar dissolves.

  3. Increase the heat and bring the mixture to a boil. If using, add a few drops of red food colouring.

  4. Boil until the mixture reaches the hard-crack stage (about 150°C or 300°F on a candy thermometer).

  5. Remove from heat and dip each apple into the syrup, turning to coat thoroughly.

  6. Place the coated apples on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper to cool and harden.


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